How Do You Prepare For Your Move?

un couple avec un enfant chacun sur les épaules assis dans un salon - Comment bien préparer son déménagement ?
Jun 21, 2024 12:37:28 PM · 3 min read

Preparing to move can be a stressful task. Especially on July 1 in Quebec, there's a lot of hustle and bustle.

A veritable social phenomenon, it's a hectic day.  Packing boxes, changing addresses, reserving your trucks, having movers available. Here's a list of a few steps to help you through this real headache. 

One To Two Months Before The Move

1. Organization and moving date

Set your moving date one to two months in advance. This will allow you to take time off work and enlist the help of family and friends. You should also set aside time to organize childcare and pet care.

If your children are not old enough to help you, plan to look after them and your pets. This will avoid any distractions during the move.

On the other hand, if your children are old enough to help out, prepare them mentally for the hustle and bustle. A move is stressful enough for an adult, so it's a good idea to put the kids in the best possible frame of mind. Besides, you can never have enough hands.

Finally, avoid moving on July 1. Although this date is very common for moves, it's obviously more expensive.

2. Moving expenses

A move involves a number of expenses, both for the move itself and for ancillary aspects. Here are just a few examples of the costs involved:

By planning and budgeting for all these expenses, you'll be better prepared to meet the costs of your move without added stress.

And if you choose DMAX for your move, you'll already have insurance to cover your belongings, giving you extra peace of mind.

3. Book your mover

In Quebec, moving is a summer tradition. That's why it's never too early to reserve a truck and/or call on a professional moving service like DMAX.

4. Change of address for your new home

Inform your service providers and relevant organizations of your change of address. This includes :

  • Health, car and home insurance
  • Financial institutions
  • Canada Post
  • Revenue Quebec
  • Canada Revenue Agency
  • Energy, internet and cell phone providers
  • Employers
  • Schools
  • Health services

Through Canada Post, you can have your mail redirected to your new home address.   

Three to four weeks before the move

5. Sort and inventory the goods to be moved

When moving house, it's also a good time to get rid of old things. Sort through your belongings, throw away what's broken and donate or sell what you no longer use.

6. Making boxes

Start by collecting cardboard boxes. You can collect the ones available in stores, or opt for the solutions offered by DMAX. We offer everything you need to make your move easier: recycled or new boxes, bubble wrap to protect fragile objects, special boxes for TVs, adhesive tape, etc.

Label all boxes with the destination room and contents. Use colored markers to indicate fragile items and those to be unpacked first.

un homme ferme une boîte avec du ruban adhésif - Comment bien préparer son déménagement ?

7. Make appointments with various suppliers

Schedule appointments for services such as Internet, electricity, gas and alarm systems so that everything is up and running as soon as you arrive.

A few days before the move

8. Prepare for your arrival

After a move, you'll usually be surrounded by boxes for 24 hours or more. 

To avoid searching through the various boxes, we advise you to prepare all the items you might need in a suitcase: sheets, towels, toiletries, a few items of clothing, crockery and disposable utensils.

9. Prepare your new home

Clean your new home before you move in. Take the opportunity to air rooms, weather permitting.

10 . Dismantling furniture

If the disassembly and assembly service is not included in your move, do it yourself so that everything is ready for transport. 

Roll up carpets, unplug electronics and take photos or make diagrams to make reconnection easier.un couple avec un tapis dans les mains entrain de déménager - Comment bien préparer son déménagement ?

Moving day

11. Coordinate with movers

Make sure the moving service knows your current and new home addresses. Confirm the appointment time to avoid any misunderstandings.

12. A final clean-up

Before leaving your old home, unplug the refrigerator and check the destination address with the moving team.

As the rooms are emptied, make sure there's nothing left and close every door so you don't have to come back. 

Take the electricity meter reading and do a final tidy-up so you don't leave the place a mess. 

Don't forget to take out the garbage, turn off the water supply, lock the windows and doors, and switch off the lights when you leave.

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Once at destination

13. Settling into your new home

Be sure to arrive before the movers to reserve a parking spot for the truck. Once on site, affix identification labels to the doors of each room to guide the movers. 

Supervise the movers' work, and be sure to note any damage sustained during transport on the invoice. 

Don't forget to read the electricity meter once installed. Next, start unpacking the boxes marked in red for essential items. 

This will enable you to settle in more quickly and easily find your most important belongings.

Déménageur DMAX - Moving services on Montreal's North Shore

We offer moving services in the Laurentians, Montreal North Shore, Laval, Montreal, Lanaudière, Outaouais and throughout Quebec.

Whether you need your boxes packed or a complete moving service, our team of professionals is at your disposal for residential, commercial or industrial moves.

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